Why hello again! Welcome back! I know I just did one of these, but we have a driving day off, I’m bored, and I’ve had too much sugar, so you get another update already!
One thing I didn’t get to last blog was how Open Your Eyes has changed their set up a little bit. I’d gotten so used to their set this Spring that I just expect certain songs to start after others. However, this tour they added “Burn Out” to the set list. After the first couple of shows I was trying to figure out if they didn’t play it last tour, or if I’d just gotten used to listening to the recorded version. I finally asked Comron and he said they added it to the set this tour since it’s a heavier line up. I really like hearing it live! (I’m actually listening to it while writing this because it’s stuck in my head and I won’t get to hear it tonight :( )
I already said it last blog, but I love having them back with us! In Billings, MT we had extra time, and Ryan had to fly home for his brother’s Wedding after the show that night, so they practiced some songs with Joe on guitar. I got to fangirl and dance around in the audience.
I’m also finally meeting all of the guys from Wednesday 13. It’s hard because they’re usually either busy working or relaxing on the bus. I’m however slowly forcing my friendship upon them and have successfully stalked all of their unused Instagram accounts.
Back to the shows…. Billings is home to our awesome fan Chad who runs the Faygo Luvers blog. He’s probably part of the reason we played the Gathering of the Juggalo’s this summer.
Chad being a special helper |
There was one point during One-Eyed Doll’s set that I ran to use the bathroom and there was a cloud of fog hanging in it from their show. And it’s not a small bathroom. It was really cool.
Some W13 pics (which hopefully aren't as distorted as my preview is making them)!
Next was Colorado Springs, CO. We don’t tour the Northwest much, but always do well in CO, so I was going to use this show to get a feel for what the tour is going to be like. I was really looking forward to this show because of that, we have a lot of awesome fans I was looking forward to seeing, and the venue is just awesome! Scott, Christina, Tony and the rest of the staff always treat us so well. Scott is actually out on tour right now with Tantric, but flew home that day to spend time with Christina, then found out we were playing that night and came out to the show.
Brock wanted a photo for the blog. Usually I don't let people tell me what to do, but I'll make an exception... |
This was also Joe’s debut on guitar for OYE.
Ben Ben helping out on stage |
Using our photographer Dennis for a footstool (he took the photo on the new Junior shirt!) |
Standing on the drum set... |
I didn’t get photos of W13 because I pretty much spent all of their set keeping my merch racks from falling over. Long story short, my racks were leaning against a folding wall on wheels, and the whole thing fell over several times. After the show Lerin asked why I set up over there instead of next to her. I set up over there because that’s where the loaders had set all of my stuff so I assumed that’s where everyone wanted me. D’oh. It’s cool, Lerin and I hung out and had a dance party across the walkway.
Burn out the candle’s light
Show me how to see day from night, if you
Give me something to make it right
Then God can be my witness
Burn it off one by one
Find out who’s the weakest gun
Then again you are my son
And God can be my witness
~Open Your Eyes - "Burn Out"