Sunday, March 22, 2015

Some days off, and some shows.

The morning of the Lubbock, TX show Kenny was still sick.  Junior and Kim decided it was in everyone’s best interest to fly Kenny home so she could focus on getting better. They ended up renting her a motel room so she could try to get some sleep, and to quarantine her a bit just in case she was contagious. After the rest of us got some sleep, we stopped at a laundry mat so we could wash all our beddings, towels, clothes etc. again, just in case Kenny was contagious.  We also gave the RV a good cleaning. We picked up Kenny, and went to a Walmart parking lot to meet an Uber ride to take her to the airport.  While we were there some fans recognized us, and we ended up selling them a shirt and CD right there in the parking lot.

Load-in and set up in Lubbock went well, and the staff was super nice at Backstage!  My apologies to the opening bands because I was working throughout their sets and didn’t catch their names. The first opener was more of a punk band.  It was a nice change from all the metal.  The second band had a punk feel as well.  They did a cover of a Weezer and a Blink 182 song. The third opener surprised me.  The lead guy got up on stage wearing skinny jeans and a baseball cap.  I was NOT expecting the metal vocals that came out of his mouth! The last band unfortunately was having some technical difficulties.  They didn’t quiet handle it as well/amusingly as the Last Savior of God.

One-Eyed Doll’s set was awesome, as always. Kim was a super cute skeleton but it was too foggy in there to get any clear pictures. The crowd was really into the new song “Black in the Rye” and started moshing during it. There were a bunch of Pterodactyls in the audience this night. Kim also really liked using the chest of this tall guy front and center as a foot rest while she played guitar. It was an amazing crowd for a Tuesday night. They sang along during “New Orleans.  Kim even had a couple of bras thrown up on stage. Once again, they ended up accidentally playing for 2 hours, despite the fact that some rowdy fans kept yelling “Hail Satan” through out the entire set :)

That's one of the bras on the banner there

After we got everything packed up and loaded in the trailer, Billy, Erik and I relaxed in the green room and ate some Whataburger they bought for us. They even got me a bun with veggies and avocado on it since I’m a vegetarian.  They were seriously so nice there.  Hopefully we get to come back soon.

We still had the motel room for the night, so we all got to take showers before heading out. They had this super classy Euro bath stuff, and wood paneling in the shower. Just in case you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic about it being super classy...

Next we were off to San Antonio, TX.  Again, we had plenty of time to load in and get set up. There were a couple of regulars of the bar there hanging out, and they ended up buying a bunch of shirts and stuff before we were even set up.  They had to leave before the show because they had plans, but luckily they made it back for OED’s set.

One of the band members of the first opening band was sporting a One-Eyed Doll shirt :)
Long time OED fan Cobra’s band was another opening band!!! :D

OED’s set got off to a rough start.  During the beginning of Committed Billy tripped over the power cable to Kim’s amp and unplugged it *face palm* Luckily Kim (who wasn’t completely sure what had happened) covered it well, and they managed to pick up right where they left off. I tried to come out from the merch table a bit to watch the show, but some drunk guy started asking me about shirt prices during the middle of Kim doing “New Orleans.” Then he tried to buy me a drink. The middle of an A CAPPELLA  performance is not the time dude! Worst of all he did the creepy patting me on the lower back thing creepy guys do while saying “gotta take care of the ladies, ya know?” I finally had to straight up telling him to be quiet!

Cool story of the night, I met a girl from MI! I ran her card on the iPad and it was a large order so I asked if she wanted a text/e-mail receipt. She started putting in her 269 area code and I was like “OMG! That’s my area code!  Where in Michigan are you from??!?!!” I can’t remember where she said she was from, but she knew where Battle Creek was!

This also may have been another sold out show!

I also had to finally change the label of the barrettes we were selling to “hair clips.” I lost a little faith in humanity every time someone said “Oh look, they sell berets!” *dying inside*

The next show was in Dallas, TX. This is the show Junior and Kim were most nervous about because they have a history of bad experiences in Dallas.  The entire day/night went incredibly smooth and amazing!!!!  We got there on time, got everything loaded in and set up.  After sound check we had time to grab some coffee, then ate a big sushi dinner. Paulo, our fireman, and his friend Richard came along. I’m sad Paulo isn’t driving us this tour :( but at least we still get to see him :)

I left dinner a little early so I could get ready before doors, but there was some merch stuff that needed taking care of, so I ended up quick changing and throwing some make-up on 5 minutes before doors.  I hope I don’t look like crap in anyone’s photos.

The first opening band was an awesome all girl band!  This venue also has amazing, helpful and nice staff. Just like the awesome sound guy last tour in Minneapolis, the sound guy (I’m so sorry I don’t remember your name!) was out in the crowd checking to see how it sounded from the audience’s perspective. The second opening band were these shirtless rocker guys. I remember them being good, but honestly what I remember most about them was them running around stage shirtless, lol.  The last band was this crazy 6 piece band. I think there was a lead singer, 2 guitars, a bass, drumset, and a guy playing electric drums. They had some awesome, throws your heartbeat out of rhythm, bass.

The bathroom at Trees for some reason have mirrors on the back of their stall doors.  It’s weird watching yourself pee, and it’s not a very flattering angle. My thighs really aren’t that huge right?  It was so weird….

I didn’t really get to fully enjoy OED’s set because I was working, or watching equipment, or quick trying to sneak away to the bathroom (but seriously, who puts mirrors on the inside of stalls?) One thing I do remember is when Kimberly is teaching the words to “Be My Friend” and she goes “and then you do this” and makes a cute, sad face, she pointed to someone in the audience and said “especially you!”  They also had a 7 person crew at this show filming “Black in the Rye.” Sadly (but also not sadly) the audience at this show wasn’t going crazy during the song.  They were too busy listening closely and taking it all in.

Meet and Greet after the show lasted FOREVER! But that’s not a bad thing. There were just so many fans there!  They were all so nice and sweet.  Kim had an adorable crying fan girl.  She was SO excited while waiting in line to meet Kim.  There were even a few that pretended I was a super cool rock star too and asked for my autograph and a picture with me.  I’m seriously honored (and a bit embarrassed) when you guys do that :P

Oh, I also completely forgot to mention, long time fan and now friend of OED Crystal made it to the show!!!!  She even had some time off to hang out with us after the show and the next day :D

After the Dallas show, we had quiet a few days off to relax. We ended up once again at the awesome Johnny Zero’s house :)  Funny story….

A few days into tour Billy was like “Have you guys seen these sock puppet parody videos?”   Well, Johnny Zero is the one behind those. Billy got to fan boy all over Brady, Johnny and the crew while we were there.  He even got to help out a bit.

Brady, creative mastermind, director, and puppeteer  with the Corey Taylor puppet

The "Sockknot"drum set
Things you take for granted unless you’re one tour: Toilet paper and running water! After getting used to RV toilet paper, or venue’s tissue paper excuse for toilet paper, Johnny Zero’s Charmin was the most amazing thing ever! And being able to brush my teeth, wash my hands and shower! So grateful!

Another funny story, which would be better if you were there or I had a video of it, but I’ll try to help you visualize.  So, The Zero’s were gone on vacation the first 2 days we were there.  I was the first one up the first morning. Someone dropped off their dog Patches. We were playing catch when Junior got up. We were on the first floor and Junior came to the second floor balcony.  Patches stopped dead in his tracks, and his jaw dropped, ball falling out.  It was like a cartoon.

That day was pretty much spent sleeping in, hanging out, relaxing, taking advantage of the wifi, etc. Junior dropped the RV off to see about getting the water tank fixed (which they weren’t able to do so we still don’t have running water), and he picked up a rental car for us to use in the meantime. We had a really late dinner with both Brady and Crystal. Unfortunately, every place we kept trying to go to was either closed/closing or full. We ended up at this cool little Korean place. Each table had it’s own little enclosed area and they had K-pop playing. It was a fun experience.

Johnny has a theater room with a projector screen, so one of Erik’s goals while we were there was to watch Adventure Time on the big screen.  So that’s what him, Billy and I did that night.

I believe the next day was Saturday, and it was another laid back, hang out, get some work done online, day. That’s also the night we went grocery shopped and had a big, family style dinner!  Right after we finished and got everything cleaned up, the Zero’s came home! We helped them unload from their trip, and talked to them a bit before they headed to bed.

Sunday was probably the best of our days off.  We got up early and went to Paulo’s fire station.  We went because his captain was making his special pancakes (which Kim is now one of six people who have the recipe), but they completely spoiled us.  First, we got to climb the fire truck ladder 100 feet into the air.  Kim, Erik and I all made it all the way to the top.  Junior and Billy both had to stop part way up.  They both made it over half way though!  I’m really sad I didn’t have a way to take pictures from the top, but Kim got some pictures of me from the ground I’ll have to steal from her.  While I was on the ladder they actually got a call.  Luckily they have 2 fire trucks and they took the other one.  Kim and Junior got to ride along!

Kim eating pancakes

Mine were so good they're gone!

The wheel isn't even on the ground!

Getting ready to put the ladder up

Kim climbing...

And climbing...

Paulo: "I guess I should go after her!"

Erik contemplating life at the top of a fire ladder

Erik climbing down

Kim getting out of her new ride.

After they came back, Kim put on the full suit and tank, and got to try crawling through a blackout room.  

Kim's hose pose

While she was doing that, they got another call, so Erik, Billy and I got to ride along for that!  It was an EMT call, and before we got all the way there the ambulance made it, so we turned around and headed back.  It was still cool riding in a fire truck while the sirens were going and we were racing down the road!

I'm on a firetruck!!!!

Erik's on a firetruck!!!!

Billy's on a firetruck!
I have a video of us going down the road with the sirens on, but I don't have time to upload it at the moment :(

When we got back I got to put on the suit and crawl through the room. That stuff is heavy!  And I didn’t even have the tank on.  Paulo said the suit weighs about 40lbs! I felt like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man walking around in it.

We then played with the cutters.  There was no one to save so we didn't get to use the jaws of life spreaders.

Kim's so strong, she cut that chain!


Rolling up the fire hose.

After all of our fireman training, our last test finding our recliner and relaxing in front of the TV :) 

It's hard being firemen!
After our fire station adventure, we decided to do some touristy stuff in Fort Worth.  I’m not sure exactly where we were, but they had real long horns, touristy shops, etc.  Kim and I ended up getting matching leggings and cowboy hats, and Erik found fun little trinkets for his wife. We wanted to do a group Old Timey Photo, but the place was booked for the day :( As we were talking to the girl, she told Kim she looked familiar.  She finally figured out she was Kimberly of One-Eyed Doll, and we took some pictures with her.

Kim riding a longhorn
We went back to the Zero home completely exhausted from our long day, and from getting up WAAAAY earlier then we’re used to. I think most of us took naps before having dinner with the Zero family. After dinner we went to the Korean coffee shop/dessert place we went to during the Otep tour.

Long story short, while we were there Junior had to arm wrestle Johnny for Kim’s honor.  Johnny put up a fight, but Junior beat him.  Then there was an epic Foozball rematch back at the Zero home. I believe that was also the night Kim, Junior, Erik and I watched Melancholia. We were looking for a movie to watch, I’d heard it was good, none of us had seen it, and I think we were tired to trying to pick a movie, so we decided on that.  Boy was that a loooooong, exhausting movie. It was good, and had some really pretty visuals, but it was incredibly depressing.  But, what can you expect from a movie called Melancholia?

I believe the next day was another, catch up on sleep, attempt to get work done, day. I managed to get my laundry done (though, I started it while still in my PJ’s so I didn’t get to wash my PJ’s…)  I also spent over 2 hours talking to Corey on the phone. That night we met up with Crystal again, and Johnny treated us to a Chinese buffet for dinner.

Our last day there ended with a Johnny Zero tradition.  If you’ve read my blogs from the first tour, you may remember that during the Otep tour, I didn’t go to the show in Dallas because I was at Johnny’s house counting HUNDREDS of shirts. Well this day we pulled everything out of the trailer, counted what I had on hand and did a full restock (for some reason my restock hadn’t been fully getting done, and I discovered I was short some shirts at the merch table). The boys also reorganized the trailer so from here on out it should hopefully be easier to load in/out and do restock.  My arms, shoulders, neck and chest are a bit red now :( Nurse Kimberly bought some aloe :) Kim and I also went on a shopping spree at Dollar Tree.  We now each own at least 5 new pairs of sunglasses….

As we heading out of town and towards Houston, we stopped at a truck stop to fill up our gas tank and dump our water collection tank. While there we ran into my hair twin, Brittney!

And once again, that’s it for now!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Headlining tour!

I never finished my blog from the last tour.  I have a bunch of random stuff written that I'll organize and post when I have some time. For now, here's what's been going on with the Witches Tour!!!! Whoo!

Flying over the ocean is cool when all you can see is sky and water


Tour has been getting off to a rough start. The shows have been going great! But the RV and crew have been having issues. Some of you may have seen on the One-Eyed Doll Facebook page that 2 days before we left, Junior was frantically looking for a replacement stage tech. Vaughn had to drop out do to some life stuff. Then we got to Colorado and discovered the RV heat wasn’t working. That made for some COLD nights. Junior ended up buying a couple of space heaters, so we weren't popsicles.

Crew this tour is completely different! It’s sad not having old friends around, but that means you fans and I all get to make new friends :) We have Junior’s long time friend Erik driving for us.  His band, Dream in Red is also going to be playing at a few of the CA shows. We have Kenny running the lights.  We stole her from Des Moines, IA. She’s helped us load in and taken care of us several times when we’ve come through there. Super excited to have her on the crew.  Taking Vaughn’s place is Billy who worked at Aftershock in KS where OED has played several times. This is his first tour ever, so feel free to see if he needs a hand with anything.

We made it to Grand Junction with no other problems. Stopped at the FedEx to pick up new merch. There are 5 new shirts, a new hoodie, and lots of other new goodies for this tour.  Sorry guys, I’m going to rob you blind. We got to the venue early enough for me to sort out all of the merch for the first show too, which is always awesome! We didn’t have tubs for shirts at the merch table though, so I just had piles of everything laying around. It was slightly chaotic, I was having kind of an off night, but it all worked out :)  

Saw lots of familiar faces at the show.  You guys are all awesome! Thanks for coming back.
The only opening band this show was Glass Delirium out of Denver.  They were pretty awesome! They also played with us 2 nights later in Denver.

OED’s show went amazingly for being the first show of the tour. They accidentally played for almost 2 hours. Kim said she kept going because everyone was still so into it.  She kept waiting for people to leave or seem bored. Being the first show, she was testing out a bunch of new songs they don’t usually play on tour, so I can’t guarantee they’re going to play these in future shows. Some highlights were a new one off of the new Witches album called “Black in the Rye,” which I’m sure you’ve all heard now via the live stream in Colorado Springs. They played “Suckerfish” which I’ve never seen live before. When she was introducing the song, she was making fish faces, but someone mistook it for kisses or something, so Kim exclaimed “Let’s all make out!” and proceeded to make out with the audience via the microphone. They also played “Meth Monster” and “Envy.” She did “New Orleans” a cappella, which I’ve only seen at VIP after parties or IN New Orleans. After she was done she felt like there was an awkward silence so she put Junior on the spot and made him do a drum solo. It was pretty epic for being made up on the spot.

This venue is huge, but this time the crowd was mostly right down in front. The fog and lasers looked awesome! The staff here is also so sweet and helpful.  They really took care of us. I think I may have written something last time about how much they tried to spoil us.

Sean made that cool staff!

The next day was a day off already. We went to Humphrey RV and got the heat fixed.  YAY! He said it might partially be due to the Colorado altitude/lack of oxygen. If so, that would explain why we’ve been having issues with it since

Outside the RV place

The inside of the RV place had a cool place we could hang out in while they were doing repairs. It was set up like a little camp site and they even had bird noise ambiance. I sadly did not get a picture of that.

That night we made it into Denver, and were treated to dinner at “Terminal Bar” by an amazing fan named Jeff.  He gave us the VIP treatment and even a behind the scenes tour of Union Station where it’s located. Union Station is a really cool place.  There’s the bar, a coffee shop, ice cream, and all sorts of little places. Then there’s a big common area in the middle you can hang out in. It’s like a bar meets a library (there were people there working on laptops) meets a college common area. Junior, Kenny, Erik and Billy played a table top shuffle board game while Kim and I got to hear amazing stories about Jeff’s life.

Espresso Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout

Old vault door

Carving in the wall they're slowly uncovering

Paintings on paint brushes

Common area from the second floor

Terminal Bar after hours

Cool chandeliers


Old suitcases and a vault

Portable bar

Blue prints

Champagne anyone?

Unfortunately our amazing night didn’t end on a high note.  We drove the RV to a truck stop to fill up our water tank so we could all take showers. Long story short, the 100 gallon tank broke and started flooding the bays.  By some miracle the heads and other equipment down there came out dry, and we managed to keep the water from running into the inverter. So at the moment, we can put liquids down drains, but we have no running water.  We’ve been brushing teeth with bottled water and showering at truck stops when we have time.

Kim accidentally gave a new meaning to the question “Would you jump off a bridge if your friends did?” When your mom asks you it as a kid, she’s asking if you’d do something stupid just because your friends did. Kim was telling a story about how her old drummer jumped off a cliff into some water, and she jumped in after him to save him. In her story, the saying turns into - If your friend was in need, would you be altruistic enough to help them?  Obviously there is some common sense involved before jumping off a cliff, though sometimes gut instinct takes over and common sense goes out the window. Like in Stephen King’s “Revival” that I started reading before I left, there’s a story about a dog that falls out of a boat. The son jumps in to save the dog, then the father jumps in to save the son.  The father and son both ended up drowning while the dog swam to safety. 

The next day was the Denver show.  What a crazy night that was! We were playing at a restaurant called Moe’s Barbecue. They wouldn’t let us load in very early.  When we did load in, we were working around people there having dinner.  It was really awkward trying to set up a large amount of merch in a very small area, all the while working around people who were there just trying to eat or have a drink. I somehow managed to get all the important stuff set up and the shirts organized into our new bins.

It was a sold out show and a non-stop night! I think I managed to fit in a total of 6 bites of food over the 8 or whatever hours I was there.  And that was just to keep me from passing out. It was so chaotic I can’t remember everything that went on! Lots of cool people there. Sean of Do Thy Bidding, who made the amazing magick wands you’ll see for sale on the merch table, was there again that night.  Michael came again as well. Also, super sweet, amazing, Kim and I want to kidnap him and bring him to every show, fan/VIP Ben was there again *waves if he’s reading this.* He brought Kim and me roses *blushes* They're STILL sitting on the front dash of the bus, but they're super wilted :( He also brought us cookies and other goodies :) Andrew who’s been a long time fan/VIP made it to this show. He brought along his mom who he’s turned into a fan :)

My roses :D

Also, for those of you who’ve read my old entries, remember this sweet picture I got with Enigma in Vegas last tour?

Apparently we turned him into a fan because he came to the Denver show! He said he won’t be in Vegas this time, he was just there then because he was doing a show, but we might see him in Austin.

I can’t really say much about the show because I was waaaaay in the back behind the bar where I couldn’t see anything :( It must have been awesome though because, as I mentioned earlier, it was SOLD OUT!  There was a big sign on the door and a few sad people hanging around outside.  Craziness!

Next day was Colorado Springs.  In the past when we’ve been there we played at The Black Sheep.  This time we were at a new venue called Sunshine Studios. We walk in and who’s there? Scott we met on the Tantric tour when he was playing bass for them!

Me, Scott and Vaughn!

So glad our paths crossed again because he’s such a nice guy. I guess he’s part owner or something of this venue/recording studio.

This time we had lots of time to load in, and lots of space. I finally got just about everything on the table! I even got a break for food! Andrew and his mom brought us Qdoba and Andrew watched the table while I went to the green room to eat.  He used to load/do merch in the Denver area before Kim and Junior ever had a crew.

My apologies to the first few opening bands if anyone from them is reading this. I was so busy with finishing things, working, eating, etc, that I didn’t really get to listen to you.  I think the first time I really got to pay attention to the show (I was right next to the stage so I had an awesome view), was half way through Suspension 9’s set. They were awesome, they had a whole style/act going on. So many opening bands just show up in whatever jeans and t-shirt they were wearing that morning and play their songs while looking super bored. Yes, it’s about the music, but it’s so much more fun and memorable when you’re entertaining. You don’t have to have a crazy goth look, have a guy on stage just dancing and getting the crowd into it, or breath fire like this band, but move around a little.  Look like you’re having fun and not being forced to play.  Interact with the crowd. That’s my little bit of advice to up and coming bands. At one point the aforementioned dancer got down into the audience and was trying to get them to dance.  He had Andrew’s mom by the shoulder and was swaying around with her, getting her to dance. It was pretty awesome (someone really should keep a count of how many times I use the word awesome).

The band right before OED was The Last Savior of God. I had a chance to talk to/hang out with their lead singer/guitarist Dylan before the show.  He’s a pretty cool guy.  He also made the show entertaining. At one point during a song he looked over and stuck his tongue out at me. I’ll admit, I had a bit of a fan girl moment for some reason. He also did a bit of the Kim thing and came out into the crowd to play. It’s a bit easier for him because he has a wireless pack for his guitar and isn’t dragging a cable. However, that may or may not be part of the reason it came unplugged during a song. They kept playing/singing as he tried to fix it and had entertaining banter between lyrics about trying to fix it.  It was super metal \m/

Also got to see the former drummer of Robot Peanut Butter who opened last time we were in Colorado Springs!

One-Eyed Doll's show was awesome (there's that word again)! There was a live stream of it as I mentioned at the beginning. Someone recorded it and you can watch it here on YouTube.

Chewbacca made it to the show

This night we got to do our VIP vocal recording in Sunshine Studios! I missed ALL of it though because I was busy packing up my stuff. Well, more talking to people about OED while trying to pack up, and getting very distracted. For most of our CO VIPs this will be the last time we’ll see them this tour, so I’m glad I managed to catch them before they left and got some hugs and pictures.

Sean and I :D
Sean made me a custom little box for taking care of and selling his wands this tour. I don't have a picture of it yet because it's stashed away in my cubby behind my tutus where it'll stay safe :)

That's Ben!!!


Remember how Mike got sick in Colorado Springs on the Mushroomhead tour? Well after the show I found out Kenny had been throwing up all night. She thought it might be a bad egg salad (why did my computer just auto correct eggsalad to exiled?) sandwich she ate, or a flu that’s been going around in her circle or friends. Either way, she, like Mike, spent most of the night in the bus sleeping :(

And as if that wasn’t bad enough, something got left on and drained the RV battery.  We ended up just staying the night parked in the venue’s parking lot because Junior was too tired to deal with it. In the morning he got it working just fine.

Next we had 2 days off! We went to this awesome little Natural Food store and stocked up on yummy food. We then went to Home Depot to buy more tubs, and completely organize all the new merch. We pulled into the parking lot and this couple came up to Junior crying. I was on the bus still so I don’t know the full story.  Something about her grandmother passing away, driving all the way there, losing their wallet, and being stranded with no money. Junior said if they helped unload the trailer and fold some shirts for us he’d buy them a night at the Motel 6. Not a bad deal. A motel room in exchange for a little labor. They did end up helping us unload everything from the trailer, but then mysteriously disappeared and never came back. Junior scammed some free labor out of some scammers!

We spent something like 7 hours out in that parking lot organizing and folding shirts. Afterwards, we celebrated all our hard work (and left Kenny with some peace and quiet) with dinner at IHOP.

IHOP had some interesting blueberry pancake art
A quote from the night I’m going to leave  you with, with no context:
“I’m not asking you to touch eyeballs Erik, I just want you to laugh down my throat!” ~Kim   

Our second day off was rough. I half woke up because we kept stopping then going. I managed to check the time on my phone and it was only 8 something am, so I attempted to go back to sleep. Then I heard Jason on the phone asking someone if they had an ER.  That woke me up! Kim started having an issue with her throat the day before, so my immediate thought was that her tonsil exploded or something terrible.  It was actually because Kenny was STILL throwing up. We finally found her an ER where she ended up getting 3 bags of fluids because she was so dehydrated. Kim also got some antibiotics for her throat, so she’s doing well :)

I honestly don't remember anything else that happened that day, it was such a blur. I'm pretty sure I slept as we drove the rest of the way to Lubbock, TX for the next show. But that will have to wait until the next blog! :P