Thursday, October 11, 2012

Job hunting and catching up

It's thunderstorming! My roommate's poor little doggie is cowering in my closet. Why is this interesting? Apparently it never rains in Los Angeles. There is a rainy season sometime around Jan-March, but other than that it rarely rains. And because of which, I've been told by several people, everyone freaks out and doesn't drive/drives super slow. Which is funny to all of us from the mid-west because we're used to driving in tons of snow. Corey went out to meet with a contact out here, so he'll have to let me know what the other drivers on the road were like.

Anyways, it's been a long time since I last posted, sorry. Lots going on. Let's see if I can remember it all...

Corey did the background actor thing. He said they only needed him for a shot or 2 at the end, so he got paid to sit around playing cards and drinking tea for 8 hours. But if you watch Cougar Town, you might see him in the background somewhere in the pub :)

The job search is going slow. Partially because I have a bit of time before I NEED a job, so I've been being a little picky since I can. But give me another week and I may just start applying everywhere that's hiring and walking down the street handing my resume out to any store that will take them. It's also partially because I HATE making resumes and I'm never sure what to put on them. I now have a costume one, and a food service one, but a couple of jobs I want to apply for don't fit either of those resumes. One is at JoAnn Fabrics (it's receiving though, so they might take one look at 5'5" Melinda and not hire me) the other is a costume shop. That posting says “We are a year round costume shop that rents costumes for shows and plays to theatres and schools nationwide,” and “Sewing skills would be helpful.” For both of these I could use a resume that shows I have costume/sewing experience but also needs me to list my work experience. I haven't quite figured out how to merge the 2 yet :(

I mentioned a couple of posts ago that my roommate's friend from Thailand was here. One night they had some people over and she cooked a Thai meal for everyone. Almost everything has some sort of meat in it though, so I could only try a couple of things. However, I woke up the next morning to this:

She made me my own special little vegetarian dish :) It was super spicy, but good. My roommate's boyfriend has a time share in Las Vegas so the 3 of them spent the weekend there. Corey and I had Grant and his roommate over Friday night since we could have people over without worrying about keeping our roommate up.

I met up with my friend Christine last week! I've know her since First Grade!!! She lives in the LA area. I don't think I've seen her since high school! It was crazy. We had dinner at an awesome restaurant with lots of vegan and vegetarian foods. It's crazy what they have available out here! I had some delicious vegan carbonara pasta. It was also super awesome seeing Christine after all these years, and I'm sure we'll hang out a ton more now that we're in the same area. :)

This week I had dinner with my Uncle Pete that also lives in the area. I'm used to only seeing him maybe once a year, but he only lives about a mile and a half away, so I'll be seeing a lot more of him too. We went to another awesome vegan restaurant. This one was strictly vegan, and it was really good. It was weird seeing chicken, shrimp, beef and steak on the menu and having it all be made of soy or grain. I'm used to tofu being the only option. They must have been having a really slow night, or they're just super customer focused, because they filled our water cups up every couple of sips.  Lol.

Other than that, I've mostly been thrift store hunting with friends and job searching.

Friday Corey and I had planned to spend a day being touristy. We were going to eat at the vegan place Corey had lunch at while acting because they have awesome nachos that are half off on Fridays. Then we were going to go to Venice Beach and the Santa Monica Pier. I was FINALLY going to see my West coast, over the ocean, sunset. Plus, since it was kind of on the way, we were possibly going to stop by the cupcake ATM. Yes. There is an ATM that dispenses delicious cupcakes. I'd looked into this bakery before moving out here. They have a couple of locations and recently opened an ice cream shop. They were hiring! Unfortunately they're all a bit far away :( I was also going to buy some fun, stereotypical CA post cards to send people. BUT!!!!!!!! Tomorrow's supposed to be cold and possibly rainy :( We might still go get half off nachos because that place is closer by, but the beach may wait until Monday when it's a bit warmer.

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