Sunday, March 31, 2013

Nyan nyan nyan nyan

I need to start this entry with an apology/correction.  Our super awesome VIP fan for the next few shows is named Tino, not Tito.  I heard it wrong when I was half asleep Friday.  Sorry >.<  Moving on.

Saturday night's show was in Springfield, VA.  I never did manage to meet up with my sister before or after, but I'm sure I'll see her some other time.  I'm still surprised when people ask me if I'm Kimberly's sister, think I'm Kim, and/or ask if my make-up is a tattoo.  It's happened a lot, and will probably happen a lot more, but it still amazes me for some reason.

The venue was small and PACKED!  I had a great view of the stage, but it was insanely warm.  Also, despite having good lighting, my pictures still turned out blurry.  I did manage to get one decent photo.  Kim climbed on top of a speaker near the merch tables so I ran over to snap a pic.  The flash ruined it by lighting up the area in front of her and leaving her in the dark, but it's better than blurry.

Kim was super engaging with the crowd too.  Not only did she do her signature playing in the crowd, but she reached out into the crowd at several points and the fans were so excited to reach out and touch her.  Her interaction with fans is part of what makes her so amazing.  Unfortunately the club had an event going on after the concert, so they kicked us out early, but Kim hung around outside meeting fans and signing things.  Junior and I had to pull her away before she caught pneumonia.  That night we had a bunch of VIPs.  I missed most of the VIP time because I was helping Mike and Tino load the limo, but they were all amazing people.  Another great thing about VIP sessions is when fans ask Kim and Jr questions and I learn things and hear stories that I'd never heard before.

Luckily because the show was early and they kicked us out early, the VIP session got done early so we could start our 4-5 hour drive to NYC.  We drove through DC at night which was cool because 1) There was no traffic and 2) I got to see the Washington monument and stuff all lit up at night.  I didn't have time to get my camera out, and from the limo it probably would have turned out blurry anyway.

At some point after getting out of DC, we needed a potty break.  Something you've probably never thought about - it's really hard to find a place that's open 24 with a bathroom when you're driving through the middle of nowhereville at 1am.  It especially sucks when someone REALLY has to pee.  We finally found a crusty gas station with one bathroom, and you had to get the key from the guy at the counter.

We were supposed to stay at the house of Patrick Kendall, director of the Committed music video, in NYC that night, but Kim thought maybe we shouldn't since we're all sick.  So we stayed at a Motel 6 somewhere near by.  After not really sleeping the night before, I fell asleep pretty much as soon as we got there, and slept for what I think was 8-9 hours!  Even if it wasn't that long, it felt great!  I got a shower as well :)  Oh the little things!  And now, we're on our way to NYC.  Running late, of course, but we should get there a couple of hours before doors, so I won't be as stressed out.  Too bad we don't have more time in NYC :(  But I'm looking forward to being in NYC, seeing Webster Hall, and meeting some OED fans I only know online - Hi Becca!!!!!  *waves*

Nyan cat on our VIP board

Saturday, March 30, 2013

4 hours of sleep FTW!

Wednesday night's show was in Louisville, KY. Merch was waaaaaaay in the back, so I got bored during most of the show. Every few songs during Otep's set I'd leave the table for a bit to go up by the crowd to rock out. Despite Kim not throwing a severed limb into the crowd this show, Tristan scraped his shin up. He was trying to show off by jumping off a chair over his merch tub, caught the edge of the tub and fell over, almost knocking his table over. He's fine though.

After the show we had 5 VIPs. We managed to shove them all in the limo. We went around and had everyone introduce themselves and ask Junior, who was pretending to be Kimberly, a question they had always wanted to ask but were afraid. Then they got to listen to some unreleased songs. Then we really needed to sleep and get driving to our next destination so we kicked them all out and left :P

And now, because I'm out of stuff to talk about and I don't have any pictures from that night, I'm going to post pics of your friendly neighborhood Snork that have been floating around Facebook. It's my blog, I'm allowed to be narcissistic :D

Ok, computer battery died before I got that posted and now it's... 2...?  3...?  days later.  Thursday was in Knoxville, TN. I guess last time OED was in Knoxville they were in an area with nothing around.  This time we were in an awesome old downtown-y area with lots of little shops and coffee places around.  We actually got there early for a change, so we grabbed some coffee, food, and did some looking around.  Kimberly and I went to this great little store called Crush (not to be confused with Junior's drum endorsement).  It has a lot of retro and pin-up stuff.  It was tough because we wanted EVERYTHING!  Kim ended up getting a couple of dresses.  I tried on this epic spider dress, but it was the only one they had and it was too big :( I did get a t-shirt and awesome spiked bracelet. 

Despite getting there early, with all the stops we didn't get back to the club until about an hour before doors were supposed to open.  It should have been plenty of time to set up, except Jason ordered more merch and I had 8 boxes of stuff to check in, restock, and reorganize.  Luckily doors were pushed back an hour, because I barely finished getting everything sorted out, and was finishing setting up as people were coming in.  I was in the worst place possible right next to the women's bathroom door that swung outwards.  People couldn't get into the bathroom, and people standing at the table looking at stuff kept getting hit by people leaving the bathroom.  It sucked.  I managed to get things set up, but wasn't dressed or in make-up, so Jason watched the table while I went to the van to get ready.  Mike was in there trying unsuccessfully to take a nap, so I hung out with him to de-stress.  I got my own private Hidalgo Pittman concert.  After a while Mike went to check on the show, and we heard Picture Me Broken playing "Crazy on you" already, so Mike rushed in to get ready to set up for OED and I quick got ready in the van.  Oops...

At one point a guy asked me how much for the spiked bracelet I had bought at Crush.  I told him I had just gotten it that day at a little shop down the street.  He kept asking about it so I gave him the business card I picked up from there.  He really wanted it though, and asked me how much I paid for it.  I told him it was something like $7.50 and he offered me $10 for it.  I told him I didn't know since I had seriously JUST gotten it, and the place was JUST down the road if he wanted to check them out the next day.  Plus, it was just plastic, it wasn't real metal or anything.  I had his girlfriend (the one he was buying it for) feel it to see that it wasn't metal.  She said she loved it SO much and was really excited, so I broke down and sold it to him.  She was SO excited and gave him a huge hug and kiss.  I checked my receipt and it turns out I only paid $7 for it, so I made a $3 profit.  Kim joked that we should have bought all they had and sold them on the table.  It sucks because now I don't have the cool business card or bracelet, but I found their website and maybe I'll find some other cool accessories on the rest of the tour.  We are going to be right across the Manic Panic store in NYC!

We had a bunch of VIPs that night. Roy from the Spartanburg show was there again with his family this time, including adorable 7 year old Trinity!  There was also another Mike who's been reading my blog *waves*  Hi Mike!  Someone got a picture of all of us at Ihop, but they haven't posted it on the OED facebook yet for me to steal and put here :P

That night we drove to Richmond, VA and got a hotel room for the next night.  Motel 6 was sold out, so Mike splurged and paid to get us a room at a nice hotel.  I got a shower for what I think was the first time in 3 days.  I also discovered I'm out of clean underwear and wore my swimming suit for the day.  Those of you who thought I was joking the other day, I wasn't!  Don't worry though, we stopped at a Walgreens after last nights show and I got a pack of clean undies and some new fleece PJ pants :)  Anywho, Kim and Jason slept, but the hotel had internet and I was behind on updating the inventory and REALLY behind on the e-mail list, so I spent the time until we left for the club doing that (as well as stalking Mike's Youtube Page).  It's amazing how many people that sign up on the e-mail list throw 420, 666, or 69 into their e-mail address...  I'm trying very hard not to judge you all :P  :)

Friday night was Norfolk, VA - a Marine town.  We gave away free posters with Military ID and I think they all really appreciated it.  We do what we can for you fans!  We got to the venue late, as always, and I wasn't fully set up before doors open.  I think Junior's trying to see how far he can stress me out before I snap.  But everything got set up, and it ended up being a great night!  I couldn't really see what the crowd was like, but I had a great view of the stage, and all of the bands were super into the show.  I think it was one of the best performances yet.  Sadly I was too far away to get clear pictures :(  OED had never played in this area before, so we made a ton of new fans.  We even had 4 Military boys buy VIP packages and hang out with us after the show.  We also had OED friends Sheriff Lannie, who reads this blog *waves*  HI!!!!, another Mike, and Tito, who will be at a bunch of the upcoming shows as well.  It was a great night for merch since most people didn't have anything OED.  Not only did we hit out bonus goal, but thanks to Tito buying his shirts in advance to help us out, we DOUBLED it!  That means Mike and I get a double bonus!  Plus, it was the best night for merch sales EVER in OED history.  Go Norfolk!  Keep spreading the word about OED so we can come back!

My personalize cup o' tea

VIPs at The Dirty Buffalo
After VIP time we stopped at Walgreens, as previously mentioned, didn't get back to our hotel room until something like 4 or 5 AM.  I was pretty much out as soon as I hit the pillow, and slept like a rock until Junior's alarm went off 4-5 hours later.  We grabbed breakfast quick before they took it down at the super fancy breakfast area, and are now on our way to an interview in Springfield, VA.  The show's crazy early because apparently it's a dance club every Saturday night so we have to be out by 8pm.  My older sister lives near by, but with our inability to get anywhere on time, I probably won't have time to meet up with her :(  But we'll see.  I think we're at the interview, so I'd better update this.  Until next time!

Super fancy breakfast area

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

On the road to Louisville

Tuesday night's show was at an interesting little venue called Ground Zero in Spartanburg, SC . I'd heard it called a shack, cardboard box, etc. It really was a little tiny hole in the wall place. We attempted to set up merch in the back, but since OED is main support, they had us set up right next to Otep's merch. Which meant I was pretty much IN the crowd. Kim and Jason were concerned for my safety, apparently when they had played here before the crowd/pit got crazy and almost knocked the tables over. So I wasn't allowed to be at the table when bands were preforming. I stood in back and ate my dinner, or hung out in the warm van (for some reason South Carolina was FREEZING!) while Jason manned the table. I didn't get to see ANY of OED this show because I was in the van :( It's a good thing I wasn't behind the table because at one point during Otep someone did smash into some of the tables, knocking things everywhere and smashing beer bottles on the floor.

After the show we had 12, TWELVE!!! VIPs. Most of them were the same ones from the last show, but it's cool that they all drove the 2 hours to come see OED again. :) We hung out at a Waffle House because it was the only place open that late. We saw Picture Me Broken heading out as we were settling in.  Since it was such a big group it was hard to talk to everyone, so sorry those of you I didn't really meet.  The VIP that sat at my table drove all the way from Baltimore!  Holy cow!  Sounds like he's going to be at the Knoxville show too, with family this time.  I may have to con you into buying more VIP badges :P  :)

Well, I have a little bit of time before we get to Louisville and the internet is actually working for the time being (Thank you Mike!), so I'm going to do a bit of rambling for you. Feel free to ignore me :)

I'm getting pretty good at doing my make-up in the limo.  Rushing to the venue at the last minute leaves little time to get ready, and once doors open, I'm pretty much stuck behind the table.  So I've started changing and doing my make-up on the road.  I have yet to stab myself in the eye with an eyeliner pencil, and I've even managed to make my swirls look even and not like my entire body was shaking while I was doing them. 

Blerg.  I'm tired of looking at my computer screen, so I think I'm done.  No pictures this blog, I'll have to try harder to night.  Until next time, Snork out!  *salutes* 

I don't know what to title this

We spent another night at the Castle. I wasn't going to post pictures for Artix's privacy, but apparently he doesn't care so many next post you'll get to see how cool it was. After the show we went back there and I got to see the Theater room! It has crazy comfortable powered reclining chairs. The cup holders in them light up blue.We watched the awesomely terrible movie  Dead Sushi.  Corey, Jeremy and/or Grant, if you happen to read this, we all need to get together when I get back and watch this!  Atix is great though.  Not only does he have an amazing castle, but he has great stories about ninjas, all sorts of awesome pictures from conventions, fun videos from stuff they've done, COSTUMES!  I don't even know about to fully explain how awesome he is.

Cutest Bear Doggy ever!

Everything was so neat and clean that Mike felt the need to sweep his dirt into a pile

Something about a dragon?

Mike in drumming bliss and Kimberly thinking "Woah!!!!"

Video of the jam session can be seen on Mike's facebook
Cool tree outside the castle
We stopped at a gas station on the way out of Tampa, and Artix's arch nemesis, Chairman Platinum, was there filling up as well.  Random.  We also found a ton of these crazy looking caterpillars.  One accidentally rode on Mike's hat to our next stop at a store.

The Jacksonville is a crazy long story. I was looking forward to a couple of things at the Jacksonville show. Stephanie, another fan from the Lennon message board, was going to try to make the show, and I'd been messaging Alyse, Manna Zen's merch girl through facebook and was looking forward to meeting her. Well, Stephanie couldn't make it :( So here's a picture I photoshopped of us together so we can pretend we met.

We are SO metal!
We didn't get to the venue until about a half hour before doors were supposed to open. Plus at some point along the drive it went from being nice and sunny out, to crazy downpour storm. So it was a crazy stressful rush to get everything in and set up, and I didn't get to find Alyse. But we got everything in and set up, and the crowd had a good vibe. Some people came over to talk and bought a few things. Then, a couple of opening bands in, the power went out. At first they said it would be back on at 8:30.  Then 9:30.  Opening bands kept getting cut, and the crowd was getting restless.  People still kept coming over to the OED table to chat and buy stuff though.  Kim and Jason eventually came out to greet fans.  In order to keep everyone happy for the time being, we passed out free posters and Kim and Jason signed them all.  Finally, at 10:07 the lights came back on.  Picture Me Broken was supposed to be cut, but OED was nice and only played for about 10 minutes so they could play for 10 minutes.  Then Otep played her set.  Despite not having power for most of the night and only playing 2 1/2 songs, we did really well in merch sales and even hit our bonus goal *does a happy dance*

The bartenders found some fireworks to light up the place for a bit
Sunday night's show was at The Masquerade in Atlanta.  It's a really nice venue!  When we first got there the boys and crew from the venue were unloading, so Kim and I wandered around the yard.  There are all sorts of cool old equipment parts, and we think one part was an old drive in theater they may now use for outside concerts.  Inside, there are 3 levels.  The top floor ("Heaven") where we were, a middle level ("Purgatory") and a basement ("Hell").  The venue caters, and we had awesome, delicious, warm food!  There was an entire pan of vegan stuff!  There was coffee and tea and cookies!  There was an actual green room/dressing room area in the back for Kim and Jason to hang out in (complete with water and nasty Bud Light if anyone wanted it).  We didn't have time for it, but there was even a washer and dryer.  They really spoil you there.  After the show, we had a whopping 10 VIPs!!!!  Many flew or drove from out of state.  You guys are awesome!  We couldn't fit them all in the limo, but we car pooled to this great place called R. Thomas deluxe grill. It was this small little place with great decor inside and birds outside.  The dining room area was pretty much just an enclosed tent area with heat lamps and colored lights all over the ceiling.  You had to go through the kitchen to get to the bathroom.  But it was an amazing little place.  We all just hung out, ate good food, and made a fan out of the waitress.  One super awesome nice fan bought dinner for Kim, Junior, Mike and I.  I didn't get a chance to give you a hug, so if that was you, and you're reading this, hug yourself!

I'm a bunny!  Photo taken by VIP Thom
After we said our sad goodbyes, we drove a couple of VIPs that flew in from Ohio to their hotel.  They offered to put us up in a room at the Embassy Hotel where they were staying at, but we already had a room at the Motel 6.  Thank you guys so much though!

Monday was a day off.  We slept in, hung out in the hotel room while Jason had some maintenance done on the limo and picked up a few things from the store.  Kim hung out with a friend in the area while Mike, Jason and I went to the bar.  We got to talking to the bartender and found out she used to be an Otep fan.  She wished she had known we were playing because she sat around with nothing to do the night before. She looked up the Committed video on her phone, and we gave her some stickers and a hoodie.  We're making fans every where we go! Afterwards, we met up with Kim for dinner.  The place we ate at had beer from New Holland Brewery in Holland, MI!  It was called Night Tripper.  I'd never had it before, and sounded like beers I like, so, of course, I had to get one. Nom nom nom!

I rode a baby unicorn over a rainbow into a garden of happiness!

The hotel guy freaked out about me taking this picture.  I just thought it was funny!
This morning on our way out of Atlanta, we stopped at Marlees Coffee & Tea House. Not only did they have good food (apparently the chili was amazing), but the people there were great.  They have open mic night Tuesdays.  Jason got to talking to the guy working, and he got his contact info so if they're ever in the area with more time, Kim might come in and do an acoustic set.  The guy took our picture, Jason gave him some CDs, and I left some OED stickers on their business card table.

Now we're on our way to Spartanburg, SC.  I'm sleepy and have no idea if any of this makes sense.  Sorry.  Don't forget to check out Mike's blog too.  He posts lots of awesome pictures.  kejejglrghla;lglarlgoHrelghf  :D

Friday, March 22, 2013

"Day off"

Thursday was a "day off."  For those of us with out a full time driver, that meant taking turns driving part of the 14 hour drive from TX to Florida.  Kim and I were lucky and Mike and Junior took turns driving.  I'm pretty sure Otep's driver just drove straight through, and they got to spend a whole day off in Pensacola, FL.

We stopped in New Orleans on our way.  We walked around a bit, did some shopping, and got some food.  I bought a cute little gold top hat and black and yellow tutu to match.  Once I find something to wear on my legs that matches, they'll probably make an appearance behind the merch table at a show, or several.  Mike got a cool drawing of a woman that also looks like a skull.  We ate at the Napoleon House Bar & Cafe.

I'm a sucker for taking pictures of pretty flowers

Bourbon street one way

Bourbon street the other way
Found this on a sign!

Leaving New Orleans, right side of the limo
Leaving New Orleans, left side of the limo

We attempted to stop in Mobile, AL at the Mercedes dealership for an oil change, but we got there right at 5 when the technicians leave.  So, we continued on.

Ship I saw on our way out
I got to ride up front the rest of the way and talked with Mike or Junior depending on who was driving.  Middle of the night, quiet, intimate, getting to know you conversations are the best.  Plus it's a good way to pass the time.  Eventually after our long drive/ride we arrived at the castle of Artix (Adventure Quest)!  It is epic!  For his privacy I'm not going to post pictures.  We pretty much each got our own room and bathroom though, and Kimberly even has her own custom decorated room there.  There's a little moat the goes the house outside, and everything inside and out is so cool!!!  After a pretty good night's sleep (once I stopped coughing), Kim, Junior, and Mike were rocking out on Atrix's drums and guitars while I danced around.  I have some pictures from that I'll post sometime.  I even have rare video of Ms. Freeman playing the drums!  But I'm keeping that for my own personal memories :P  Sorry guys!  Over all I'm super bummed that we couldn't play there all day, but after the Tampa show tonight, before Jacksonville tomorrow, we get to stay there again!  :D :D :D 

Before heading out to the show, we stopped by Crush Drums to pick up some stuff, have some photos taken, and sip some AMAZING espresso.  I'll have to post those photos later too.  For now, check out our photo on their facebook page!  Well, gotta go do our thing!  \m/

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Goodbye Texas!

Since we were in Kim, Junior and Mike's hometown Monday night, I feel it's the perfect time to talk about what an amazing group of people I'm traveling with. I help unload everything, then work on setting up the table. Then I spend almost the rest of the night behind the table. Everyone else has their own things to do to get ready, but they always make sure I'm taken care of. They bring me coffee and food. Stop by to see if I need anything. Take over for a bit so I can take a bathroom break. Make quick trips back to the vehicle for back-ups if I'm selling out of something. If there are a lot of opening bands, sometimes Junior will even take over for a while and I'll go hang out in the green room. I'm really fortunate to have such a caring, thoughtful group of friends to be on tour with <3

As I mentioned, we were in Austin, OED's hometown where everyone has already heard them and owns all of their stuff. Not only that, but it was a Monday AND the day after the huge music festival South by Southwest (SXSW). We weren't sure if anyone was even going to show up. Junior warned me that last tour their hometown was the worst night for merch sales. Well, the place was pretty full, and there were a lot of OED fans there. It was a great crowd in general, and I doubled what they did in sales last time they played there. I even managed to talk Mike into buying his girlfriend a shirt, with an employee discount of course. I got to meet a few local fans, including some names I recognize from online, and Andy who was on tour with them the first time I saw OED and Otep play was there. It was cool being in their home town where pretty much everyone already knows them.

Dirty Dog's super classy logo...
One of the openers, Exilia was the opener from Longview as well. I really enjoyed them the first night but didn't catch their name, and I'm glad they were back again that night. They're from Italy and currently doing a US tour. They even played at SXSW. You should go to their page, give them some love, and check them out if they're playing anywhere near you.

If any of you have seen OED live, you know Kim likes to put on a show with hats and characters. She has a big tub of stuff, and she'll put little things in it that she sometimes throws out into the audience. Sometimes before “Be My Friend” she'll throw out a fake severed limb. At one show, she threw out a severed foot. That same night was the night Otep broke her foot. A few shows later she threw out her last foot. That show was the show the drummer cut his foot open. Before the Longview show we found a costume shop that had limbs and Junior bought another foot and a leg severed at the knee. Kim threw out the leg at the Austin show. During the show Otep's bassist Erik blew out his knee. It's an old football injury, but now we're paranoid that we've cursed Otep. We have one severed foot left, and Otep has one uninjured band member left. You'd better watch out Ari!

After the show, like most nights, Mike gave me his phone to charge while he loads. It's tough because at some point I have to pack up my extension cords. This night there happened to be an extra cord lying around, so I plugged it into that and packed up my stuff. Apparently it was an Otep cord they weren't using, and later Nosage went to pack it up. He yanked it, knocking Mike's phone off the table and cracking the screen. Other than that it works fine, but I feel terrible. Junior's cracked his screen before, and I guess it's easy to get replaced. Since it was broken in my care, I'll probably pay for it whether or not Mike lets me. You can chip in to if you feel so inclined. Go to the OED donationpage and donate whatever you feel you can afford. Put in the comments “Melinda sucks, Fix Mike's Phone!”

We have had several fans buy us dinner, offer us a place to sleep, wanting to buy us drinks, bringing us gifts and making sure we're taken care of. It's so awesome. After this show when everything was done and packed us, I took advantage of the fact that one of Kim's fans had connections at the bar and worked for Deep Eddy Vodka. He hooked me up with a shot of vodka and club soda. It was really good vodka! And of course, it hasn't made it's way to California yet. Boo!

We had a ton of VIPs after the show! We went to a little tea and coffee place, then rode around in the limo listening to unreleased OED songs. It was good times.

Look!  I'm in the VIP instructions!

 At a gas station on our next drive, Kim bought me a super cute bunny hat! Sadly, I don't have a picture yet. I'm sure someone will get one when I wear it sometime. Also! My Bettie Page shirt turned up a few shows ago! I'm hoping that means my bag of chokers will too.

Tuesday night was Houston. Super awesome fans Paul and Liz were already there when we got there to help load in. Liz helped me set up, and even helped a ton with the merch table. It was nice to have someone to have dance parties with too.  Liz is also an Emilie Autumn fan and has been her live!  At a show she was at she was losing her voice, but still did 6 encores.  At the end she played harpsichord for them while the audience sang. *jealous*

The walls were lined with this stuff!

Couch in the women's restroom

Liz and Paul!!!!
 From the merch table I had a great view of the show, but it was terrible for pictures.  I think Otep was the only one that had enough light for them to turn out.

After the show Otep came back behind the merch tables for pictures and signing, like she does every night.  I was standing out of her way while she was getting situated when she turned to me and said "I see you back here rocking out with us every night."  At which point I think to myself 'OHMYGOD!!!  OHMYGOD!!!  OTEP IS TALKING TO ME!  Don'tsaysomethingstupid Don'tsaysomethingstupid'  I managed to get out something to the effect of "I've been a fan since 2002 so this tour is extra awesome for me"  She said something about it being her 10 year anniversary and fist bumped me, then when on to her signings.  :D :D :D  Made my week.

Erik - guitarist for Otep, Shaun - drummer from PMB, Justin - drummer for Otep, Jimmy - guitarist PMB
Our next show was only a couple of hours away, so we got a hotel room for the night.  Yay for real bed and shower!  Even if it is only for 5-6 hours of sleep or less.  We stopped at Brewed Awakening for coffee and some morning treats.  It's a super cute, locally owned coffee shop.  You should check it out if you're in the area.  They have a great "Captain Americano" shirt too Kim and Mike got pictures of.  Speaking of which, you should check out Mike's blog.  He gets lots of awesome pictures of the shows from where he is.

Wednesday night's show was in Beaumont, TX.  We actually got to this one early enough to get everything set up with out rushing, and Kim and Junior went to run errands while Mike and I hung out.

I'm starting to get a feel for the crowd.  You can tell when everyone's drunk early on, and no one's very friendly or wants to talk that it's not going to be a very good night for merch.  People LOVED the show, but everyone wants to spend their money on alcohol instead of shirts or CDs.  I think this was our lowest show yet.  But I knew we'd have good days and bad days.  Merch was set up right next to the stage, so I got a good side view of the whole show, but again, it was too dark for pictures.  No VIPs for the night, and a long drive ahead of us, so we took off pretty much right after the show.  We did make a quick stop at a Flying J's with a Denny's in it to get some food.  Our waitress Jasmin had the most pleasant, sunny disposition!  She was amazing.  Junior went out to the limo to check on Kim who wasn't feeling well, and she got super stressed out that his food was going to get cold.  She eventually packaged it up to-go for him just in case.  She took super great care of us, and the cook even came out at one point to apologize because she had screwed something up.  The only thing is I think they accidentally made my Bacon-less Avocado Wrap with Bacon and just took it off so they wouldn't have to remake it AGAIN.  It tasted bacony-y and I picked a few little pieces of bacon out of it.  But, it was late, I didn't want to make a big deal out of if, and I hadn't really eaten anything all day.  So I ate it and tried not to think about it.  My stomach has been feeling awful all day :(  It might not be just that though.  I've also been taking a lot of stuff to deal with this cough, and my eating schedules all out of whack, so you never know.  But if you're ever at the Flying J's near Houston, you should eat at Denny's if Jasmine is working :)

Mike's dress code photo from Longview

The limo is my live-in closet.
Well, we're somewhere in Florida now.  Today was a "day off" but I'll have to write about that some other time.  I have e-mails to respond to, blogs to read, and merch girl stuff to update!