Friday, March 15, 2013

Awesome Dan and Awesome VIPs!!!!

I've finally figured out why my throat always hurts when I try to sleep at night. I'm also starting to lose my voice for the same reason. It's talking too much! I spend all night telling people about One-Eyed Doll, answering questions, meeting fans, etc. It's awesome! But being a usually shy, quiet person (which you'd probably never guess after meeting me at a show), my vocal chords aren't used to constant talking for hours at a time! But it's ok. If I lose my voice completely I'll just make signs or buy a white board so I can communicate. I should also probably not sing along to every OED and Otep song to save my voice a bit...

Wednesday night's show was at The Marquis Theater in Denver, CO.

Phil, Picture Me Broken's tour manager, rocking the girl tank top!

Super awesome Dan came to this show!!!!! :D Like Ed, I've known him for years from the Lennon message board. And also like Ed, this was my first time meeting him in person! This was his first time seeing OED, and I think he really enjoyed them :)

There were no opening local bands at this show. Also, the merch area was outside the stage area, so Kim and Junior could meet and greet with fans, and I could continue to sell merch while Otep was on stage. I was hoping that would mean we'd possibly get done early. Especially since we had a whopping 6 VIP fans this show! No such luck! There were so many people still wanting to buy stuff and have Kim and Junior sign it that we left about the same time we usually do.

Like I said, we had 6 super awesome VIPs last night! I was so tired I can only remember some of your names. If you're reading this, you were one of the ones I remember! :D Unfortunately it was a school night, so one VIP and his dad had to leave early. I talked to them a lot before the show, and I think they got to talk to Kim and Junior quite a bit, so hopefully it was worth their while. VIP purchases are awesome because they help make sure we have gas to get to your show!

Mike's handy work, but then...
We added more.  Believe it or not, we even stuffed more in after this photo.
The other 4 VIPs went with us to Denny's.

Hanging out in our swanky limo!

We're a good lookin' bunch!
They were all awesome and we had some interesting conversation. They were Emilie Autumn and Amanda Palmer fans too! One of them gave us another bag of yummy snackages :D

I forgot to mention before, but you may have been able to figure out , Salt Lake City was our best show in sales and we got bonuses. Well, Denver beat that! Junior was so excired, we decided we were going to splurge on a hotel room for the night after the Wichita, KS show.

Thursday night's show was at the Cotillion. I didn't get a picture of it, but I picked up a matchbook with their logo on it. The merch was set up in a hallway to the side/behind the stage so I didn't get to see any of the show. It's probably best though because I saved my voice not singing along to as many songs. I wish I could have heard the opener Apparition because they were super friendly and had a huge crowd at their table after they played!

Leaving our mark
 I have no idea how the rest of the show was either, but we had a huge crowd come to meet Kimberly afterward, so I'm assuming it went well :) And Otep's been toughing it out despite the broken foot! We also sold 2 VIP packages to 2 brand new fans! That's how you know it was a good show! And remember how I said Denver was the new best show for sales? Well, KS has now beaten that. Junior's trying to think of what kind of bonus to do if we double out goal amount (we got pretty close last night!) I fan gave us and Otep girl scout cookies too! YAY!!!! :D  And because of the merch set up, I pretty much stood next to Otep during all of her signing and picture taken, which is awesome!  :)

After the show some fans offered their place to us for the night, and said their mom would cook us some food. It was on the way to our next show, and only about 15 minutes from where our VIPs lived, so we took them up on the offer for food. We got there and “Mama” made her famous Chicken Noodle Soup, 100 year old gravy recipe, biscuits (not home made like she usually does because we didn't have enough time) the brought out beans, peaches, and kept trying to offer me salad since I'm a vegetarian. I was fine with biscuits, butter, and locally made honey. Mmmm.... we got spoiled. Kimberly also got a nice warm shower and they gave Junior all of their old iPhone 4 chargers because they'd upgraded to the iPhone 5. We also learned all about their family history. We didn't stay the night though because we wanted to get to our next city, but they were such nice, welcoming people.  Junior has their number for the next time they're in the area. We got a group photo, but I don't know who's camera it's on.

Our VIPs, Julian and Shelby, were super awesome as well. Like I said, this was the first time they had ever seen One-Eyed Doll.  They were so impressed they wanted to hang out with us afterwards.  Plus, this was their first real night out with each other since they're adorable baby was born 4 month ago (I got to see cute pictures!) so they splurged for the rock star treatment! Julian actually has family in Battle Creek where I'm from! We're around the same age too, but it's a big city and I didn't recognize the name. That's so crazy though!

So, we made it to a little hotel and I completely passed out for 6 or 7 hours until my alarm went off. It's amazing how well you can sleep when you're exhausted and used to sleeping in a chair. I took I shower for the first time in what seems like FOREVER, and it felt amazing. Then, we stopped at Penny's Diner for some breakfast, and now we're on our way to Oklahoma City for tonight's show!

They somehow knew we were coming!

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