Friday, September 23, 2016


After Colorado Springs, we had a day off to get to Iowa City. The other bands had a show in Denver (we didn’t play since we just played there about a month ago over the summer). That meant they had a loooooooong drive to get to the next show. Wednesday 13 ended up being 4 hours late. They got there when doors were supposed to be opening. The first band was supposed to go on 15 minutes after, but everyone was still scrambling trying to get them loaded in and set up. Luckily they didn’t cut any locals, but they had to cut time off of everyone’s sets (including One-Eyed Doll who already had a short set, due to that weird thing some places do where they kick everyone out then have a late show). It sucked, it was stressful, but we made it through.

Next was New Baltimore, MI! Lots of awesome fans there but a special shout out to Joel, Aaron & Skelly Bordner, and Brad! Aaron loaded me up on new goodies for the merch table :) He also surprised me with a portrait he did of me, and my own copy on the new “Be My Friend” lyric book.

That's ME!!!! :D
Lerin got a super cute cartoon version of herself sticker from a fan. She thinks it should be a shirt. I told her just to print some and hang it up and see if Wednesday even notices, lol. 

You can actually kinda see Sandra!

Open Your Eyes

I really like this one. Maybe I should have watermarked it....
Next was Cleveland. We already do well there and have lots of super fans, but this show was actually being headlined by Avatar.  That made load in and set up a bit crazy, but Cleveland is always crazy. I swear we need a day off afterwards because it always leaves me EXHAUSTED!  It was also SUPER hot in there. After the show I wasn’t sure what I needed more, a shower, food, or to sleep until load in the next day. I ended up going with everyone to get food (Junior had to carry me to the door because my legs and feet didn’t want to do the leg and foot thing anymore), passed out in bed, actually DIDN’T wake up until load in the next day, but took a quick rinse off on the bus anyway.

It was so packed I couldn't watch their show :(

Because of the previously mentioned sleeping until the time I was supposed to be setting up, Indianapolis got off to a rough start the next day. Then on top of that I dropped my phone and cracked it. People have been super amazing and offering to give me their old phones and money towards a new phone. It’s just the outer edge that’s cracked and the phone still works, so no worries. Plus, I’ve been planning to invest in a new phone after the holidays. Maybe I’ll finally join the current times and get a smart phone. Later I went to move my sunglasses and discovered one of the arms was randomly not attached anymore. I found the screw, so it might be fixable. That, and another awesome fan already bought me a new pair. :)

You can see Sandra (sort of) again!

Kim in the crowd, and a guy on the left losing his mind

I tagged a bench!

Zoomed in, Roman looks like he's staring at me!

*Zoomed in* AHHHHHH!!!

Jack (L) & Roman (R) having a moment

Next it was back to Ohio, but Columbus this time, which is actually where Kim was born! There were 3 locals, I don’t know any of their names (SORRY!) but the third had this CRAZY drummer! I couldn’t see him fully from where I was standing, so I asked Sandra if he was actually hitting all of the beats I was hearing. He was! He was playing super fast, but clean. He was pretty epic.

I don’t have any pictures of W13’s set because I was actually dancing in the audience, enjoying the show almost the whole time.

We stayed up late that night hanging out on the bus, which was fine because we had a day off the next day and could sleep in. Of course, that’s the one day I woke up early. I’m guessing the past few days, plus dancing around for an hour and a half, finally caught up with me and I passed out and slept like a rock!

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