Monday, November 12, 2012

I have a job!

I got to Target about 15 minutes before I needed to be there so I tried the phone survey again.  It finally worked this time!  Then I went in, and was in and out super quick this time.  They pretty much just offered me a job, explained the conditions, gave me some paperwork about what I need to bring to orientation, and gave me directions to where I have to take a drug test.  It's only seasonal at the moment, but Corey made it sound like they usually keep people they like.  So, after the results from the drug test I have to take this afternoon come back, I have a job as a Barista at Starbucks!  Plus, I'm making 75 cents above minimum wage :)  I'm just worried that I won't be trained in time for Black Friday.  It takes 3-5 days for the test result to come back, then they have to schedule me for orientation, then I start training/working.  It'll be cutting it close.  If anything, I can be there stocking napkins, wiping down tables, etc.

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